Advanced Search (Items only)
Tags: Andean, colonial, Jesus, oil, Painting, Religion, Spanish, Virgin Mary
Tags: dragon, Fire, Hanging Scroll, Hierarchy of Size, Painting, red, Religion, Saint, uniform
Tags: Chinese, Fire, Flames, Halo, Hierarchy, Painting, Religion, Saint
Tags: Calligraphy, Characters, Chinese, Loose, Painting, Religion, Scripture
Tags: blue ribbon, Buddha, Chinese, Clouds, Figurative, Hanging Scroll, Painting, red, Religion, Robe, Spear
Tags: Blue Robe, Gathering, Green Robe, Group, Halo, Legion, Painting, Red Robe, Religion, Spiritual Guides
Tags: armor, Axe, Balance, Blue, Chinese, Clouds, Division, Fighting, monstrous, Painting, red, Religion, Sword, Warriors
Tags: Chinese, Clasped Hands, Clouds, flower robes, Halos, Hanging Scroll, Painting, Religion, wind, women
Tags: Chinese, Continuous Narrative, Faded, Gathering, Hanging Scroll, Hierarchy, horse, narrative, Old, Painting, Religion, Temple, Wang Family, worn
Tags: blade, Blue, Chinese, Fight. Gathering, green, Hanging Scroll, Hierarchy, Painting, red, Religion, Swords
Tags: abstract, Battle, divison, fight, green, monstrous, Painting, Primary Colors, Religion, weapons
Tags: abundance, Beard, Cauldron, Cherubs, Clouds, God, Headpiece, kindness, Orange Robe, Painting, pot, Religion, turquoise, Wagon, Wheel
Tags: army, Battle, Hierarchy of Size, horse, Painting, Religion, Soldiers, Swords, War, Warriors
Tags: Chinese, Cloud, Council, Floating, Halo, Heaven, Hierarchy, Painting, Religion
Tags: Chinese, Cloud, Floating, Halo, Hierarchy, Ladies, Painting, Religion
Tags: Axe, Banner, Chinese, Clouds, Flag, Halo, horse, Painting, Religion, War
Tags: Chinese, Clouds, Colored Robes, Hierarchy, Meeting, Painting, Pantheon, Religion, Taoist
Tags: Blue Robe, Chinese, Contemplation, Fine Line, Hierarchy of Size, man, Mountain, outdoors, Painting, Religion, Servant, Stillness, Tea, Tree
Tags: Chinese, Clouds, Floating, gold, Halo, Headpiece, Jewelry, Lotus, Painting, Quan Yin, Religion, tassels, wind
Tags: Calligraphy, Characters, Chinese, Letters, Literature, Painting, Religion, Scroll, Written
Tags: Chinese, dragon, Halo, Hierarchy of Size, Painting, Quan Yin, Religion, throne
Tags: Anger, army, Battle, Chinese, Fighting, Halo, Hierarchy of Size, horse, red, Religion, Swords, works on paper
Tags: Archaic, Chinese, dragon, Faded, man, Old, Religion, works on paper
Tags: Chinese, Halo, Hanging Scroll, monstrous, Praying, Religion, works on paper, zoomorphic
Tags: Chinese, Halos, Hanging Scroll, monstrous, Religion, Sword, Works-on-Paper
Tags: dragon, Lotus Flower, Quan Yin, Religion, throne, Turquoise Robe, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Daoist, dragon, Halo, Hanging Scroll, Hierarchy of Size, Painting, Quan Yin, Religion, Robe, throne
Tags: Cloud, Daoist, Halo, lion, Painting, Quan Yin, Religion
Tags: Booth, Clouds, Continuous Narrative, Gate, Halo, Hierarchy, Incense, Officials, Painting, Religion, wall
Tags: dragon, Gold Headpiece, Halo, Hanging Scroll, Healing, Hierarchy of Size, Immortal, Lotus Flower, Painting, Religion
Tags: Clasped Hands, Halo, Hierarchy of Size, Message, Older Man, Painting, Religion, Shawl, Tolerance
Tags: Boar Fish, Cloud, Daoist, Hanging Scroll, ocean, Painting, Pink Ribbon, Quan Yin, Religion, Ridding
Tags: Beard, dragon, Emperor, Halo, Hanging Scroll, Heavenly, Mustache, pink, Religion, throne, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Clouds, Daoist, dragon, Religion, Swords, warrior, Works-on-Paper, Yellow Flag
Tags: crown, Deity, Embellished, Female, Figurative, gold, Religion, Sculpture, Sitting
Tags: Figurative, green, red, Religion, Sculpture, standing, Taoist, uniform, warrior, Wood
Tags: Calligraphy, Exorcists, Guide, handbook, Manual, Red square, Religion, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Battle, Fighting, Hanging Scroll, horses, Religion, Swords, War, Warriors, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Baby, folk, gold, India, Painting, portrait, priest, Religion
Tags: Mary Magdalene, oil, Painting, Peruvian, portrait, Religion
Tags: Aquamarine, Cave, Floating, Halo, Meditating, monk, mountains, Painting, Religion, Scroll, Tangka, Teal, Temple, Tibetan, turquoise
Tags: Hierarchy, Painting, Posed, red, Religion, Tangka, Tibetan
Tags: Flame, gold, Halo, Hierarchy, Meditating, monks, Painting, Religion, Scroll, Tangka, Tibetan
Tags: Flame, Hierarchy, Meditating, monks, Painting, Religion, Temple, Tibetan
Tags: armor, Battle, Decorative Border, Fighting, Hanging Scroll, horses, light green, red, Religion, Swords, Taoist, War, Warriors, works on paper
Tags: Aquamarine, Blue, Clouds, dragon, Halo, Quan Yin, Religion, turquoise, vase, Works-on-Paper
Tags: 17th century, Bronze, chariot, horse, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: oil, Painting, Religion, Saint, Saint Thomas
Tags: oil, Painting, portrait, Religion, St Thomas
Tags: ebony, Praying, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Figure, Praying, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Female, Figurative, Praying, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: dancing, Lithograph, portrait, Religion, Works-on-Paper
Tags: bathsheba, dutch, man, old david, Painting, Religion, woman
Tags: Cat, Egyptian, Mummification, Mummy, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: indigenous, photograph, portrait, print, Religion
Tags: American, Crowd, Religion, woodcut, Works-on-Paper
Tags: 16th century, german, lead, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: 16th century, german, Religion, Sculpture, silver
Tags: 16th century, Bronze, german, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: Christ, Greek, Painting, Religion, Virgin Mary, Wood
Tags: Carved, carved wood, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Bible, priest, Religion, Sculpture, statue, Wood
Tags: Guatemalan, man, pray, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Carved, carved wood, Guatemalan, pray, relief, Religion, Sculpture, woman, Wood
Tags: Carved, carved wood, Guatemalan, Padre, relief, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: book, candle, Lithograph, Religion, still life, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Ink, Iran, manuscript, Religion, still life, Watercolor, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Carved, Figurative, Mary, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: 18th century, man, Nature, Religion, woodcut
Tags: Figurative, Praying, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: linen, panel, Religion, spiritual, Textile, Woven
Tags: Anatomy, collage, Drawing, Religion, Text, Works-on-Paper
Tags: Christ, collage, Drawing, Figurative, Religion, Works-on-Paper
Tags: collage, Drawing, Figurative, Religion, woman, Works-on-Paper
Tags: collage, Drawing, Figurative, journal, Religion, Text, Works-on-Paper
Tags: collage, Female, Mixed Media, portrait, Religion, Works-on-Paper
Tags: brass, crucifix, Jesus, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: Mexican, Religion, Saint, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: carved wood, Mexican, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Carved, carved wood, Mexican, Religion, Saint, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Holy Trinity, Mexican, oil, Painting, Religion
Tags: Mexican, oil, Painting, panel, Religion, Rosary, Saint, Wood
Tags: Archbishop, Christ, colonial, Mexican, oil, Painting, Religion, Saint, Spanish
Tags: gold, oil, painitng, portrait, Religion, Saint
Tags: Female, Praying, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Female, Ivory, Praying, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: Angel, Figurative, Religion, Sculpture, Wood
Tags: Mary Magdalene, oil, Painting, Peruvian, Religion
Tags: ceremonial, fringe, Male, Pre-Columbian, Religion, Textiles
Tags: Mythology, Peruvian, Pre-Columbian, Regalia, Religion, Sculpture
Tags: Archangel, colonial, oil, Painting, Religion, Spanish
Tags: oil, Painting, Religion, Rosary, tin
Tags: Andean, colonial, oil, Painting, Religion, Spanish
Tags: Painting, Religion, Saint, Saint Michael, stucco, tin
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